Appendix B Event (SNMP Trap) Display When Using ServerView Operation Manager
ETERNUS DX60 S2 Disk storage system User’s Guide -Operation-
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5512-03ENZ0
*1: For variable-bindings values, refer to "variable-bindings meanings" (page 92) in "A.1.3 Host Sense" (page 92).*2: The default setting is "Disable" (no notification).
Item warning to
normal (*2)
INFORMATIONAL Item warning to normal, from %s, id: %x[%x],
message: %s
25 An event notified by
"Item warning"
returns to normal
%s: fjdarySspMachineId
%x: fjdaryTrapItemId
%x: fjdaryTrapWarningInfo
%s: fjdaryTrapMessage
Sensor status
change to
normal (*2)
INFORMATIONAL Sensor status changed to normal, from %s, id:
%x[%x], message: %s
26 An event notified by
"Sensor status
changed" returns to
normal status
%s: fjdarySspMachineId
%x: fjdaryTrapItemId
%x: fjdaryTrapSensorInfo
%s: fjdaryTrapMessage
Display contents of the ServerView Operation Manager SNMP Trap type
Alarm type
Details (--#SUMMARY) specific
trap No. Meaning
variable-bindings (*1) for %s, %x