Chapter 7 Appendix

7.9 Trouble Shooting






Evaluationboard does not

Check voltage supply and jumpers :

initialize after power-on.

The voltage on DC-Power plug

LED D10 (Power indicator) does

should be in the range of 9-12V. The

not light up and the LC-display

plug should have + on shield and – on

remains empty.

the center. LED D10 should light up


after switching on the board. Use a


multimeter to see whether 5V are


present on the Vcc/Gnd terminals (TP2


and TP3).


Check jumper positions according to


table 1 (Esp. : JP1 – JP7) !


Remove all user extensions on the


board to avoid shorts !

Evaluationboard stays in reset.

LED D11 (Reset) should flash. If D11

LED D11 (Reset indicator) ligths

lights up permantantly, the voltage is too

up permanently.

low (below 4.25V) - Increase the voltage


to solve the problem.


JP33 (DTR reset) should be left


open. This option allows to reset the


board from a connected PC using the


DTR line (not used by Softune WB).


Remove all user extensions on the


board to avoid shorts or leakage


currents !

After power-on, the initial

Check JP34 (default-mode) : This

monitor-message is not shown

jumper should be in the lower position

on the LCD.

(Monitor mode). In the upper position,


the board will call the user program in


Flash-ROM directly and will not show


the message.


Maybe the monitor-kernel has been


destroyed. Try to re-program the kernel


as desribed in the „flash programming“-




Check all jumper positions (table 1).


Adjust the LCD contrast using


potentiometer RV1.

The communication from

Make sure your COM-port number

Softune Workbench to the

and the baudrate settings are correct

© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH

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Fujitsu MB91360 manual Problem Solution, Trouble Shooting