| Message | Message | Cause | Corrective Action |
| Number | |||
| |
7 |
| Could not bind to | The driver could not | Unload and reload the |
| adapter. | open one of the team | physical adapter driver, |
| physical adapters. | install an updated |
| physical adapter driver, |
| or replace the physical |
| adapter. |
8 |
| Successfully bind to | The driver successfully | Informational message |
| adapter. | opened the physical | only. |
| adapter. | No action is required. |
9 |
| Network adapter is | The physical adapter is | Check that the network |
| disconnected. | not connected to the | cable is connected, |
| network (it has not | verify that the network |
| established link). | cable is the right type, |
| and verify that the link |
| partner (switch or hub) is |
| working correctly. |
10 |
| Network adapter is | The physical adapter is | Informational message |
| connected. | connected to the network | only. |
| (it has established link). | No action is required. |
11 |
| Broadcom Advanced | The driver does not | Consult the driver |
| Program Features Driver | support the operating | release notes and install |
| is not designed to run on | system on which it is | the driver on a supported |
| this version of Operating | installed. | operating system or |
| System. |
| update the driver. |
12 |
| A standby adapter has | Replace the failed | |
| selected as the primary | been activated. | physical adapter. |
| adapter for a team |
| without a load balancing |
| adapter. |
13 |
| Network adapter does | The physical adapter | Replace the adapter with |
| not support Advanced | does not support the | one that does support |
| Failover. | Broadcom NIC | NICE. |
| Extension (NICE). |
14 |
| Network adapter is | The driver has | Informational message |
| enabled via management | successfully enabled a | only. |
| interface. | physical adapter through | No action is required. |
| the management |
| interface. |