EU Certificate of Conformity

Description of the unit:

Water Timer Electronic


Désignation du matériel :

Programmateur d’arrosage

The undersigned GARDENA International GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Omschrijving van het apparaat:

Elektronische watertimer

D-89079 Ulm, hereby certifies that, when leaving our factory, the units indicated




below are in accordance with the harmonised EU guidelines, EU standards


Beskrivelse af enhederne:



of safety and product specific standards. This certificate becomes void if the


units are modified without our approval.

Название устройства:

Дождевальный таймер






F Certificat de conformité aux directives européennes



Art. No.:


Le constructeur, soussigné : GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-

Type :

T 1030 plus

Référence :



Art. nr.:

Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, déclare qu’à la sortie de ses usines le matériel neuf



Art. nr.:


désigné ci-dessous était conforme aux prescriptions des directives europé-





Varenr. :


ennes énoncées ci-après et conforme aux règles de sécurité et autres règles



qui lui sont applicables dans le cadre de l’Union européenne. Toute modifica-



Арт. №:


tion portée sur ce produit sans l’accord express de GARDENA supprime la





validité de ce certificat.

EU directives:







N EU-overeenstemmingsverklaring




européennes :

Ondergetekende GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,




EU direktiv:


D-89079 Ulm, bevestigt, dat het volgende genoemde apparaat in de door ons


in de handel gebrachte uitvoering voldoet aan de eis van, en in overeenstem-

EU Retningslinier :



ming is met de EU-richtlijnen, de EU-veiligheidsstandaard en de voor het pro-

Директивы ЕС:



duct specifieke standaard. Bij een niet met ons afgestemde verandering aan









het apparaat verliest deze verklaring haar geldigheid.

Year of CE marking:







S EU Tillverkarintyg

Date d’apposition du marquage CE :


Installatiejaar van de CE-aanduiding:


Undertecknad firma GARDENA International GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

CE-Märkningsår :


CE-Mærkningsår :



D-89079 Ulm, intygar härmed att nedan nämnda produkter överensstämmer



Год разрешения маркировки



med EU:s direktiv, EU:s säkerhetsstandard och produktspecifikation. Detta



intyg upphör att gälla om produkten ändras utan vårt tillstånd.

значком CE:








EU Overensstemmelse certificat

Ulm, 01.08.2007

Authorised representative


Fait à Ulm, le 01.08.2007

Représentant légal

Undertegnede GARDENA International GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

Ulm, 01-08-2007



D-89079 Ulm bekræfter hermed, at enheder listet herunder, ved afsendelse


Ulm, 2007.08.01.

Behörig Firmatecknare

fra fabrikken, er i overensstemmelse med harmoniserede EU retningslinier,

Ulm, 01.08.2007

Teknisk direktør


EU sikkerhedsstandarder og produktspecifikationsstandarder. Dette certifikat


træder ud af kraft hvis enhederne er ændret uden vor godkendelse.

Ульм, 01.08.2007








UСвидетельство о соответствии ЕС








Мы, нижеподписавшиеся GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str.





40, D-89079 Ulm, настоящим подтверждаем, что нижеуказанное устройство,





отгруженное с нашего предприятия, имеет исполнение, соответствую-щее





требованиям согласованных директив ЕС, стандартам по технике



Peter Lameli


безопасности ЕС и производственным стандартам. При несогласованном




с нами изменении устройства настоящее свидетельство теряет силу.



Vice President









Page 11
Image 11
Gardena T 1030 Plus manual

T 1030 Plus specifications

The Gardena T 1030 Plus is a versatile and efficient garden sprinkler system designed for precision watering and optimal garden maintenance. This innovative product is part of Gardena's commitment to providing gardeners with high-quality tools that enhance the gardening experience. The T 1030 Plus is particularly suitable for medium to large gardens, providing comprehensive coverage while incorporating advanced technologies to ensure effective water utilization.

One of the standout features of the Gardena T 1030 Plus is its customizable spray pattern. This sprinkler head can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of different areas within a garden, facilitating targeted watering. Gardeners can choose from a variety of spray ranges and widths, making it easy to cover flower beds, vegetable patches, and lawns efficiently. This flexibility minimizes water waste and promotes healthier plant growth.

The T 1030 Plus is engineered with a robust design, incorporating high-quality materials that withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Its durable construction ensures longevity, making it a reliable addition to any gardening toolkit. Furthermore, it features a user-friendly interface that simplifies adjustments and setup, allowing users to quickly personalize their watering schedules.

Enhanced technology is another key characteristic of the Gardena T 1030 Plus. This model is equipped with a patented Turbo Drive, which ensures that the sprinkler operates quietly while providing powerful performance. The Turbo Drive system allows for smooth operation, ensuring even water distribution across the designated area. Additionally, the sprinkler head includes a built-in filter that prevents clogging, maintaining consistent water flow and reducing maintenance efforts.

Water efficiency is a priority with the Gardena T 1030 Plus. Its intelligent design minimizes runoff and overwatering, ensuring that each drop is utilized effectively within gardens. By embracing water-smart practices, the T 1030 Plus not only supports plant health but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

The Gardena T 1030 Plus is compatible with other Gardena products and accessories, allowing users to create a complete irrigation system tailored to their garden's specific requirements. With its combination of innovative features, advanced technologies, and user-friendly design, the Gardena T 1030 Plus stands out as an essential tool for any gardening enthusiast looking to maintain a vibrant and healthy outdoor space.