also hold on your device to start uploading your saved activities.

Turning Off WiFi Technology

From the Forerunner home screen, select > Settings > Wi-Fi> Auto Upload > Off.


You can use the GPS navigation features on your device to view your path on a map, save locations, and find your way home.

Adding the Map

You can add the map to the data screens loop for an activity profile.

1Select an activity profile.

2Select > Activity Settings > Data Screens > Map > Status > On.

Map Features

When you start the timer and begin to move, a black line appears on the map, showing you where you have traveled.

Points to north


Your current location and heading


Zoom level


Marking Your Location

Before you can mark a location, you must enable the map screen for your activity profile and locate satellites.

A location is a point that you record and store in the device. If you want to remember landmarks or return to a certain spot, you can mark a location.

1Go to the place where you want to mark a location.

2 Select to view the map.

3 Hold .

4 Select Save Location.

The location appears on the map with the date and time.

Viewing Your Current Elevation and Coordinates

TIP: This procedure provides location details and another way to save your current location.

1Select > Navigation > Where Am I?.

Your device must locate satellites before it can display your location information.

2If necessary, select Save Location.

Editing a Location

You can edit the name of the saved location.

1Select > Navigation > Saved Locations.

2 Select a location.

3 Select Name.

4 Edit the name, and select .

Deleting a Location

1Select > Navigation > Saved Locations.

2 Select a location.

3 Select Delete > Yes.

Navigating to a Saved Location

Before you can navigate to a saved location, you must locate satellites.

1Select > Navigation > Saved Locations.

2 Select a location.

3 Select Go To.

The compass appears. The arrow points toward the saved location.

4Select to view the map (optional).

A line appears on the map from your current location to the saved location.

5Select to start the timer and record the activity.

Navigating Back to Start

At any point during your activity, you can return to your starting location. For example, if you are running in a new city, and you are unsure how to get back to the trail head or hotel, you can navigate back to your starting location.

NOTE: Garmin® recommends that you locate satellites and start the timer before attempting to navigate back to your starting location. If not, the device navigates you to the starting location of the last saved activity.

NOTE: Garmin recommends enabling the map screen for your activity profile in order to view your route on the map. By default, the compass screen appears to navigate you back to your starting location.

1Select an option:

If the timer is still running, select > Navigation > Back to Start.

If you stopped the timer and saved your activity, select > Navigation > Back to Start.

The device navigates you to the starting location of the last saved activity. You can start the timer again to prevent the device from timing out to watch mode.

The compass appears. The arrow points toward your starting point.

2Select to view the map (optional).

A line appears on the map from your current location to your starting point.


You can send a course from your Garmin Connect account to your device. After it is saved to your device, you can navigate the course on your device.

You can follow a saved course simply because it is a good route. For example, you can save and follow a bike friendly commute to work.

You can also follow a saved course, trying to match or exceed previously set performance goals. For example, if the original course was completed in 30 minutes, you can race against a Virtual Partner trying to complete the course in under 30 minutes.

Following a Course From the Web

Before you can download a course from your Garmin Connect account, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect).

1Connect the device to your computer using the USB cable.

2 Go to

3 Create a new course, or select an existing course. 4 Select Send to Device.

5 Disconnect the device, and turn it on.

6 Select > Navigation > Courses.
