Chapter 10 – Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
show stp <config|ports > - regardless of whether STP is enabled or disabled (default) this
command lists the switch’s full STP configuration, including general settings and port settings
Syntax stp – STP Configuration mode
Syntax stp <enable|disable> - Start (Enable) or stop (Disable) STP
Syntax priority [port=<number|list|range>] value=<0-255 | 0-65535> - specifies the port or
switch level priority. When a port(s) are specified the priority is associated with ports and their value is 0-
255. If no ports are specified, then the switch (bridge) priority is specified and its value is 0-65535
Syntax cost port=<number|list|range> value=<0-65535> - cost is specific to a port and the port(s)
have to be specified
Syntax port port=<number|list|range> status=<enable|disable> - specific ports may not need to
participate in STP process. These ports typically would be end-stations. If you are not sure – let MNS-6K
software make the decisions
Syntax timers forward-delay=<4-30> hello=<1-10> age=<6-40> - change the STP Forward
Delay, Hello timer and Aging timer values
Chapter 11 – Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
Syntax set stp type=<stp|rstp> - Set the switch to support RSTP or change it back to STP. Need to save
and reboot the switch after this command
Syntax rstp – enter the RSTP configuration mode
Syntax rstp <enable|disable> - enable RSTP – by default, this is disabled and has to be manually
Syntax port port=<number|list|range> [status=<enable|disable>]
[migration=<enable>] [edge=<enable|disable>] [p2p=<on|off|auto>]
- set the
port type for RSTP