Magnum6K25# user
Magnum6K25(user)## useraccess user=peter service=telnet enable
Telnet Access Enabled.
Magnum6K25(user)## exit
Magnum6K25# show session
Current Sessions:
SL # Session Id Connection User Name User Mode
1 1 manager Manager
2 2 peter Manager
3 3 operator Operator
Magnum6K25# kill session id=3
Session Terminated.
FIGURE 24 – managing and viewing multiple telnet sessions
In the above example, the user with user-id peter is given telnet access (which was disabled earlier in
Chapter 2). Then multiple users telnet into the switch. This is shown using the “show session”
command. The user operator session is then terminated using the “kill session” command.
The default port – port 23 is used for telnet.
A maximum of four simultaneous telnet sessions are allowed at any time on the
switch. The commands in these telnet windows are executed in a round robin – i.e.
if one window takes a long time to finish a command, the other windows may
encounter a delay before the command is completed. For example, if one window
is executing a file download, the other windows will not be able to execute the
command before the file transfer is completed. Another example, if a outbound
telnet session is started from the switch (through a telnet window) then the other
windows will not be able to execute a command till the telnet session is completed.
Setting serial port parameters
To be compliant with IT or other policies the console parameters can be changed from the CLI
interface. This is best done by setting the IP address and then telnet over to the switch. Once
connected using telnet, the serial parameters can be changed. If you are using the serial port,
remember to set the VT-100 emulation software properties to match the new settings.
Syntax set serial [baud=<rate>] [data=<5|6|7|8>] [parity=<none|odd|even>]
[stop=<1|1.5|2>] [flowctrl=<none|xonxoff>]
Where <rate> = standard supported baud rates