Options Purpose
Programmed auto The camera will automatically set the
shutter speed and aperture value for
best exposure.
Aperture priority The user selects the aperture and the
(F3.37-F15) camera sets the shutter speed.
Shutter priority The user selects the shutter speed
(1/2600s-8s) and the camera sets the aperture.
Manual exposure The user selects both the shutter
speed and aperture.
When to use it
Recommened in most situations.
Recommended in controlling the depth of
field (makes the main subject stand out
from the surroundings).
Recommended to freeze the action of a
fast-moving subject or create a sense of
motion for a slower-moving subject.
You have complete control of the
These 4 exposure modes allow extensive control over general photo taking. Programmed Auto P
gives carefree operation. Aperture Priority Aand Shutter Priority Sallow users to maximize exposures
in different cases. Manual Exposure Mprovides complete freedom in controlling the exposure.