Appendix C: Glossary and Acronyms
The native VoIP protocol used by Asterisk. It is an IETF standard used to enable VoIP connections between Asterisk servers, and between servers and clients that also use the IAX protocol.
iLBC internet Low Bitrate Codec
A free speech codec used for voice over IP. It is designed for narrow band speech with a payload bitrate of 13.33 kbps (frame length = 30ms) and 15.2 kbps (frame length = 20ms).
ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
The LECs that were the original carriers in the market prior to the entry of competition and therefore have the dominant position in the market.
A point of contact between two systems, networks, or devices.
ISO International Standards Organization
IVR Interactive Voice Menu
An interactive technology that allows a telephone system to detect voice and keypad input.
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