Placing Originals, 27
Placing on the exposure glass, 28
Placing original in the Auto Document
Feeder (ADF), 29
Preparation for Delivering, 51
Preparation for Sending by E-mail, 35
Preview, 67
Print & Del. Scanner Journal, 14
Printing to the image, 68
Procedure for Sending by E-mail, 37
Checking selected destinations, 41
Manual entry of an e-mail address, 41
Manual entry of a subject, 48
Searching to select a destination by e-
mail address, 40
Searching to select a destination by
name, 38
Searching to select a destination by
registration number, 39
Searching to select a sender by e-mail
address, 46
Searching to select a sender by name, 43
Searching to select a sender using a
registration number, 45
Selecting a destination from Destination
List, 39
Selecting a sender from Destination List,
Selecting a subject from the list, 48
Using a Quick Dial key to select a
destination, 38
Using a Quick Dial key to select a
sender, 42
Reading the Display and Using Keys, 8
Relationship between resolution and file size
When Using as a Network TWAIN
Scanner, 69
When Using as E-mail or Network
Delivery Scanner, 69
Resolution, 12
Save, 67
Scanner Features, 9
Setting procedure, 10
Scanning mode registration, 68
Scanning originals, 66
Scanning Originals in Several Times using
the Exposure Glass, 34
ScanRouter V2 Lite, 24
Scan Settings, 9, 12
Scan size, 12
Selecting a custom size, 13
Sender's Name Default, 15
Sending Scan Files by E-mail, 37
Send Settings, 10, 14
Setting Originals, 27
SMTP server, 3
Software for Using the Network Delivery
Scanner Function, 20
Software supplied on CD-ROM, 21
Specifications, 77
Troubleshooting, 71
When an Error Message Appears on the
Client Computer, 74
When an Error Message Appears on the
Control Panel, 72
When Scanning Is Not Performed as
Expected, 71
When the Delivery Function Does Not
Work, 71
TWAIN Standby Time, 14
Type2018 TWAIN Driver, 21
Update server dest. list, 14