AC Operation (120 volts, 60 Hz)
Normal household power available at wall outlet.
AC Power Cord Jack
Detachable power cord that connects nor- mal household power to your TV.
AC Power Plug
Detachable power cord that connects nor- mal household power to your TV.
AM Antenna
Directional antenna
AM/FM Radio Switch
Switch used to select AM or FM radio sta- tion broadcasts.
A device used to receive broadcast signals form local TV and radio stations. Receives UHF/VHF TV signals and FM radio sig- nals.
Pointed tool used to start the drill holes for mounting your TV.
Bright (Brightness)
Knob controlling black level (light and dark areas) of TV picture.
Car Battery Cord
See DC Car Cord
Knob controlling overall brightness and contrast of TV picture.
DC Car Cord
Optional 12 volt DC power cord for oper- ating TV/Radio from car/truck battery.
DC Operation (12 volt)
Power supplied by ten “D” cell batteries or optional DC
Dipole Antenna
Adjustable antenna on TV. Receives UHF/VHF TV and FM radio signals. See Antenna.
Ext. Ant. Jack (External Antenna)
Jack (port) on TV used to connect an exter- nal home antenna or cable TV to your TV.
FM Antenna
See Antenna.
Image Imprint
Ghost images on TV screen caused by improper use of TV with some video games.
Sound system with only one audio chan- nel output.
Slang for monaural.
Radio Dial Scales
See AM/FM Radio Switch.
Rechargeable Battery Pack
Optional accessory that provides
Stereo Headphone
Accessory providing
Color in fleshtones on TV picture.
Tuning Control
Dial control for fine tuning on radio and TV stations.
Abbreviation for channels transmitting Ultra High Frequency TV signals (above channel 13).
UHF/V-Hi/V-Low Switch
Switch used to select UHF or VHF televi- sion stations. UHF for channels above 13,
Abbreviation for channels transmitting Very High Frequency TV signals (chan- nels 2 - 13).