DC1 Additional Information
Taking care of your player and discs

Handling discs

When holding discs of any type, take care not 10 leave fingerprints, dirt or scratches on the disc surface. Hold the disc by its edge or by the center hole and edge.

Damaged or dirty discs can affect playback performance. Take care also not to scratch the label side of the disc. Although not as fragile as the recorded side, scratches can still resillt 111 a disc becoming unusable.

Should a disc become marked with fingerprints, dust, etc., clean using a soft, dry cloth wiping the disc lightly from the center to the outside edge as shown In the diagram below

not usng a &SC, return it to Its case and store upright. Avo~cl leaving discs III excessively cold. humd. or hot en\/ironments (including uncles direct sunlight).

Don’t glue paper or pcri slickers onto the disc, or use a pencil. bail-point pen or other sharp- tipped writing lnstrumenl. I hex could all damage the ci~sc.

For more detaiiecl care information see t/~e InstructIons that come wltll CIISCS

Do not load n‘1ot-e than orle clisc into the I)layet at a time.

Discs to avoid

Discs spin at high speed tnside tile olaycr. If you can see that a C/ISC is cracked. chIppccl. warped or othcrwlse damaged . clori’t risk using !t IIT YOLII p!ayer--your could end up damaging the !ltiit.

Wipe lightly from the center of the disc using straight strokes.Don’t wipe the disc surface using circular strokes.

If necessary, use a cloth soaked irl alcohol. or a commercially available CD/DVD cleaning kit to clean a disc more thoroughly. Never use benzine, thinner or other cleaning agents, including products designed for cleaning vinyl records.

Storing discs

Although CDs and DVD discs are more durable than vinyl records, you should still take care to handle and store discs correctly. When you’re

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This utllt IS destynecl for use wlIh conventlonal, fully circular (IISCS only, Use of shapecl discs IS not recommended for this product. Pioneet disclaims all liability arisin[j in connection with the use of shapecl discs

Cleaning the unit’s exterior

Use a polishing cloth or clry cloth to bvipe off dusk and clirt. If the surfaces are very dirty, wipe with a soft cloth dlppccl 111 some neutral cleanser diluted five or six times wit!1 water arld wrung out weli. then wipe again with a dry cloth

Do not use furMure wax or cleatlers. Nevct- use tblnners, benzene ot- it~sectrcldc sprays or