Nopongaen marchael hornoen etmodo microondassinqueel dispositivogiratorio

yet soportedetdispositivoest@nencajadosen su hgar. Eldispositivogiratoriodebe estarsueltoparaque puedagirar.

AsegOmsedequetodoslosutensifiosde cocinaqueuseen suhomo seanaptospara micmondos.Puedenusorsetomoyofiode los cozuefos,pfotospore cocinor,tozos de medir,tazasde ftanesy batesde cristaf,o losvajflfosde porcefonaqueno tienen decomcbnesmetdficoso bamicescon bfiffometdficoAtgunosutensifiosdenento. siguienteinscripd6n:"puedeusorseen micmondos."

• Sino est6seguro


• Usodei estanteaccesorio:

de queun plato



Quiteetestantedethomo cuandono toest@

puedausarseen el











estantey los utensiliosde cocina.Podrian

elplatoque est_




probandoy un vaso

c6moprobarsi unenvase


Aseg@esequeel estanteest6biencolocado

de medircon 237 mt



dentrodethomo para queno seproduzcan

(1taza)de aguaen




elhomo - ponga)a



Nocubraet estanteni ningunapartedel

tazade medirdentro oat tadodetplato.Ponga


homo con papetde ahminio.Estopodria

etmicroondasen marcha,a m(_ximapotencia,


causarqueethomo microondas/de

durante30-45segundos.Siel plato secalienta


convecci6nse sobrecalentara.

no deber[ausarseen elmicroondas.

Nousesu homo microondas/deconvecci6n



Siel platosemantienefrioy s6losecalientata

taza,entoncesetplatopuedeusarsede forma seguraen et microondas.

Losalimentoso utensiliosde metal demasiado

grandesnodeberianusarseen un homo de microondas/convecci6nya que aumentanet

riesgode descargaei_ctricay podr[ancausar un incendio.

Avecesel sueto,el platogiratorioo lasparedes

de)homo puedenestardemasiadocaiientes para tocarias.Tengacuidadoa)tocar elsue)o,el

platogiratorioo )asparedesde)homo despu_s de cocinar.

Siusa un term6metrode cameat cocinarcon

microondas},aseg0resede queseaapto para serusadoen microondas.

Nouse productosde pape)reciclado.Elpape)

toaiia,)asserviiietasy el papeide cera reciciados puedencontenermotas met6licasquepodr[an causar)aformaci6nde arcosei_ctricoso incendiarse.Losproductosde papeique

contengannil6no filamentosde nil6ntampoco deber[anusarseyaque sepodr[anincendiarde igua)modo.

Atgunasbandejasde pi6stico(comoen iasque seempaquetatacame)tienenuna cinta finade

metalincrustadaen elplato.Atponerseen el microondas,elmetal puedequemarel sue)ode) homo o incendiarun pape)toaiia.

para secarperi6dicos.

Notodo filmpldsticopuedeusarseen hornos microondas.Reviseet usoadecuadodetpaquete.

Puedeusarsetoallade papet,papelencerado

yfilm pl6sticopara cubrir losplatosy retenerla

humedad,as[ comopara prevenirsaipicaduras, cuandose utiiizaelmicroondas.Aseg0resede

proveerunaforma de ventilaci6nat film pl@stico para queelvapor puedasaiir.

Podr[ancaientarselosutensiiiospor elcaior

transferidopor losalimentoscalientes.Puede necesitarusarmanoplascecocinapara manejar losutensilios.

Atutiiizarcon el microondasbolsasde cocinar "quepuedanhervir",as[como cuaiquierbolsade

pldsticofirmementecerrada,deber6ncortarse, perforarseo proveercualquiertipo de ventilaci6n

seg0nindiqueel paquete.Encasocontrario, elpldsticopodriaexplotarmientrassecocina

odespu@s,pudiendocausarda_osfisicos. Ademds,losrecipientesde pl6sticodeberian

permanecer,at menos,parcialmentedestapados ya quepuedensellarsefuertemente.Cuando

cocinecon recipientesfirmementecubiertos con film pl6stico,retirelacubiertacon cuidado

ymantengaetvapor alejadode susmanosy rostro.


Page 40
Image 40
GE JVM1950, DVM1950 manual Sino est6seguro Usodei estanteaccesorio De queun plato, Estantey los utensiliosde cocina.Podrian

JNM1951, JVM1950, DVM1950 specifications

The GE DVM1950, JVM1950, and JNM1951 are three prominent microwave oven models produced by General Electric, designed to provide advanced cooking technology while ensuring convenience and efficiency in the kitchen. Each model showcases a unique combination of features and specifications catering to different culinary needs.

The GE DVM1950 is a high-performance over-the-range microwave that combines functionality with an attractive design. One of its standout features is its capacity, accommodating a significant amount of food for reheating and cooking, making it ideal for larger households. The DVM1950 includes the innovative sensor cooking technology, which automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels based on the moisture released from food. This feature ensures perfectly cooked meals without the guesswork of manually setting time and temperature.

In terms of convenience, the DVM1950 comes with a built-in exhaust fan, offering multiple venting options to keep the kitchen area smoke-free and odorless. The microwave also features a user-friendly control panel with a variety of preset cooking modes, including options for popcorn, reheating, and defrosting, allowing for easy operation.

The JVM1950, a similar countertop model, is engineered with the same focus on performance and user comfort. Its powerful cooking capabilities are complemented by a spacious interior, making it suitable for a wide range of dishes. The JVM1950 includes the coveted True European Convection technology, which provides an even cooking experience by optimizing heat distribution.

Integrating advanced technology, the JVM1950 has the one-touch cooking feature, simplifying meal preparation with pre-programmed settings for popular foods. Another notable characteristic is its sleek design, which fits well in modern kitchen aesthetics while maximizing functionality.

Lastly, the GE JNM1951 is a versatile countertop microwave designed for those seeking an efficient, space-saving cooking solution. It shares several features with its counterparts, emphasizing user convenience through its easy-to-navigate control panel, which includes a wide array of quick-set options.

All three models are equipped with GE’s signature turntable technology, ensuring even cooking results by rotating food during the heating process. Additionally, they are designed with eco-friendly features, including energy-saving modes, contributing to sustainable kitchen practices.

Overall, the GE DVM1950, JVM1950, and JNM1951 stand as exemplary choices in the realm of microwave ovens, catering to diverse cooking needs while emphasizing advanced technology, ease of use, and year-round reliability.