e DO~0~storeor cook With

shelfon floor ofovem Product damage may result.

e use potholders when handling metal shelf and cookware. They may be hot.

~Do not store microwave browning dish on metal shelf.

The wire shelf is specifically designedfor added capacityheating and reheatingin your microwave oven. Nowmore than one foodmay be heated or reheated and readyto serve at the same time.

When microwavingwith the oven shelf, sometechniqueswill differ from the cookbook which came with your oven. It is importantto arrange foodsproperly (shownon the next page). Cookwaresizeis important; select from amongthe suggestionsbelow.Also, foodsize

should be considered; foods over

3 ~ incheshigh, or 3 pounds are riOt recommended for shelfcooking.

Battersand dough foodsand also uncooked foods which need to be prepared from scratch shouldbe cooked without the ovenshelf, fcdlowingcookbook directions.


cookware forshelf Heating and Reheating

Beforeplacingfoodin thedishes, checkto seethattheywillfittogether on or under the shelf. Also, be sure cookwareis microwavesafe.

Cookwarefor heatingor reheating include 1cup measuringcup, 8x4x3-inchloaf dishes, 9x5x3-inch loaf dishes or 9-inch pie plates.


Leftoversmaybe placed in small individualceramic or plastic bowls or divided plates.



LJSCwax ppcr or pkistic wrap ins!ewt of lids on casscrcics. Lids


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the shelf


Topositionthe DOUBLE DUTY’M shelf, tip the back slightlyand fit the shelf support guidesonto the support guideslocated on each side ofthe ovenin the rear.


Next, lowerthe front untilthe shelf support guides fit onto the support guides located at each side of the ovenin the front.

When the shelf is properly positioned, YOUshouldbe able to read the plastictab that saysFRONT THIS SIDE UP. The shelf should fit snugly in place, be leveland not touch the back wall of the oven.

Ifareing occurs when using the shelf to cook more ‘thanone food at the same time9 turn the oven off. Make sure the shelf is positioned right-side-up on all four shelf supports and not touching oven walk









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GE JEM31G warranty Shelf, Cookware forshelf Heating and Reheating