

Propercare and cleaningare importantso yourrangewillgive youefficientand satisfactory service.Followthesedirections carefullyin caringfor it to help assuresafeandpropermaintenance.



Whenthe rangeis cool, washthe top, frontand, if exposed,the sides withmildsoapandwater.Neveruse anyharshabrasivesor cleaning powdersthatmayscratchor mar the paintedsurface.Rinsethe surface withcleanwateranddry witha soft cloth. If youwish, occasionally applya thin coatof mildcleaning waxto helpprotectthe finish.


Thereare a numberof precautions youcan taketo avoidmarringthe porcelainenameledsurfaceof the cooktopand preventit from becomingdull. Don’tslideheavy pansacrossit. If youspillfoods witha lot of acid (tomatoes, sauerkraut,fruitjuices, etc.)or foodswithhighsugarcontent, cleanthemup as soonas possible. If allowedto set, thesefoodscould causea dull spot. Also,no matter howstubbornthe foodstain,never use harshabrasivecleansers.They couldpermanentlydamagethe enamelsurface.Werecommenda cleansersuch as “SofiScrub” brand.


It’sa goodideato wipethecontrol panelcleanafter eachuseof the oven.Fora morethoroughcleaning, the knobscan be removedby pullingthemoff the knobstems. Cleanwithmild soapand water, rinsewithcleanwaterandpolish dry witha soficloth.

Do notuseabrasivecleansers, strongliquidcleanersor oven cleanerson the controlpanel— theywilldamagethefinish.



Cleanthebrushedchrometop withwarm, soapywateror an all- purposehouseholdcleanerand immediatelydry it witha clean, soficloth. Takecareto dry the surfacefollowingthe “grain.”To helppreventfingermarksafter cleaning,spreada thinfilm of baby oil on the surface.Wipeaway ~ excessoil with a clean, soficloth.

Agoodappliancewaxwill help protectthis finish.


Cleanthe area underthe cooktop often.Built-upsoil, especially grease,maycatchfire.

Tomakecleaningeasier,the cooktopmaybe liftedup.

Toraisethe cooktop:

1.Be sureburners are turnedoff.

2.Removethe gratesand, on modelsso equipped,the drip pans.

3.Graspthe two frontburner wells and lifi up.

Dual supportrods on somemodels will holdthe cooktopup whileyou cleanunderneathit. Other models havea singlesupportrod.

Aftercleaningunderthe cooktop with hot, soapywaterand a clean cloth, lowerthe cooktop.Be carefulnotto pinchyourfingers.


Gratesshouldbe washedregularly and, ofcourse,afterspillovers. Washthemin hot, soapywaterand rinsewithcleanwater.Dry the grateswitha cloth—don’tputthem backon the rangewet. When replacingthegrates,be surethey’re lockedintopositionovertheburners.

Togetrid of burned-onfood,soak the gratesin a slightlydiluted liquidcleaner.

Althoughthey’redurable,the grateswillgraduallylosetheir shine,regardlessof the bestcare youcan givethem.Thisis dueto theircontinualexposureto high temperatures.

Do notoperatea burnerfor an extendedperiodof timewithout cookwareon thegrate.Thefinish on the gratemaychipwithout cookwareto absorbthe heat.


(onmodelsso equipped)

Removethe gratesand lift outthe chromedrip pans.Washthemin hot, soapywater.Rinsethemwith clean,hot waterandpolishthem dry witha cloth.Neveruse abrasivecleaneror steelwool— they’llscratchthe surface.Instead, so~kthe drip pansfor about20 minutesin slightlydilutedliquid cleanseror mildsolutionof ammoniaandwater(1/2cupof ammoniato onegallonof water). After soaking,washthemin hot soapywater.Rinsewithcleanwater andpolishwitha clean, soficloth.


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GE JGBC15GEK, JGBC17GEK, JGBC15GPK warranty CareandCleaniw