GE JGBC15GEK, JGBC17GEK, JGBC15GPK Oven shelves, BroilerDmwer, BroilerWn &Rack, ~e TopBurners


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Lift-offOven Door

Theovendoorisremovableto make theinteriormoreaccessible.

Toremovethe door,openita few inchestothespecialstopposition thatwillholdthedooropen.Grasp firmlyoneachsideandliftthedoor straightupandoffthehinges.

Note:Becarefulnottoplacehands betweenthespringhingeandthe ovendoorframeasthehingecould snapbackandpinchfingers.

Washwithhot, soapywater.For stubbornspots,usea solutionof vinegarandwater.Donotimmerse thedoorin water.

Toreplace the door,makesurethe hingesareinthe “out”position. Positiontheslotsinthebottomof thedoorsquarelyoverthehinges. Thenlowerthedoorslowlyand evenlyoverbothhingesat thesame time.If hingessnapbackagainstthe ovenframe,pullthembackout.

oven shelves

Ovenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith

a mildabrasivecleanserfollowing manufacturer’sdirections.Afier cleaning,rinsetheshelveswithclean wateranddry witha dry cloth.To removeheavy,burned-onsoil,soapy metalpadsmaybe used following manufacturer’sdirections.After scrubbing,washwithsoapywater,




1.Whenbroileris cool, remove rackandpan.

2.Pullthe broilerdraweroutuntil it stops,thenpushit backin about oneinch.

3.Grasphandle,lifi andpull broilerdrawerout (liftthe rollers locatedunderthe draweroverthe rollerguidestopsin the range).


1.Put the rollersunderthebroiler drawerbehindthe rollerguide stopsin the range.

2.Holdthe broilerdrawerin the raisedpositionas youslideit partwayintothe range.Thenlower thedrawerandpushit completely closed.

BroilerWn &Rack

Afierbroiling,removethe broiler rack and carefullypour offthe grease.Washand rinsethe rack in hot, soapywater.

If foodhas burnedon, sprinkle the rack whilehot withdetergent andcoverwithwetpapertowelsor

adish cloth. Thatway,burned-on foodswill soakloosewhilethe mealis beingserved.

Do not storea soiledbroilerpan and rack in the ovenor broiler compartment.

k~e TopBurners

The holesin the burnersof your rangemustbe keptcleanat all timesfor proper ignitionand an even,unhamperedflame.

Youshouldcleanthe burners routinelyand especiallyafterbad spilloverswhichcouldclogthese holes.Burnerslifi rightout for

cleaning” ~


Note:A screwholdseachof

the burnersin placeto keepthem fromwobblingaroundduring shipment.Removeand discardthe shippingscrew.Tiltthe burnerto the rightto releaseitstwotabsfrom slotsin the burner supportand movethe burner towardthe backof the range.This disengagesit from the gasvalveat thefrontof the range,and it lifisouteasily.

Toremoveburned-onfood, soak theburner in a solutionof a product usedforcleaningtheinsideofcoffee makers.Soakthe burner for 20 to 30 minutes.If the fooddoesn’t rinseoff completely,scrub it with soapand wateror a mild abrasive cleanserand a dampcloth.

Beforeputtingthe burnerback, dry it thoroughlyby settingit in a warm ovenfor 30 minutes.Thenplaceit backin the range,makingsure it is properlyseatedandlevel.


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GE JGBC15GEK, JGBC17GEK, JGBC15GPK warranty Oven shelves, BroilerDmwer, BroilerWn &Rack, ~e TopBurners