Note:Let range/ovenpartscoolbeforetouchingor handling.
Broiler Pan and Rack | ● Soapand Water | Drainfat, coolpanandrackslightly.(Donotlet soiledpanandrackstandin |
| o | broilercompartmentto cool.)Sprinkledetergenton rackandpan. Fillpanwith |
| e Plastic Scouring Pad | warmwaterandspreadclothor pdpertoweloverrack.Letpanandrackstand |
| fora fewminutes.Wash;scourif necessary.Rinseanddry.O~ION: Cleanpan |
| and rackin dishwasher. |
Control Knobs | ● Mild Soap and Water |
Outside Giass Finish | @Soapand Water |
Metal, including | ● Soapand Water |
Side Trims, Trim |
Strips and Brushed |
ChromeCooktop |
Porcelain Cooktop* | ● Paper Towel |
| s Dry Cloth |
| ● Soap and Water |
WintedSurfaces | o Soapand Water |
(doorfront,broiler |
drawerfront, |
sidepanels) |
Pulloffknobs.Washgentlybutdo notsoak.Dryandreturncontrolsto range.
*Cleanoutsideofcooledblackglassdoorwi,tha glasscleanerthatdoesnot containammonia.Washglasscontrolpanelwithclothdampenedin soapywater. Rinseandpolishwitha dry cloth.If knobsare removed,do notallowwaterto rundowninsidesurfaceof glasswhilecleaning.
Wash,rinseandthenpolishwitha drycloth. DON~ USEsteelwool, abrasives,ammonia,acids,or commercialovencleanerswhichmaydamage the finish.
Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel. Werecommend“SoftScrub”brandcleanser.
If acidsshouldspillonthe rangewhileit is hot, usea dry papertowelor cloth to wipeup rightaway.Whenthe surfacehascooled,washandrinse,
Forotherspills,suchas fat smatterings,etc., washwithsoapandwaterwhen cooledandthen rinse.Polishwitha dry cloth.
Usea mildsolutionofsoapandwateranda soficloth.Do notuse anyharsh abrasivesor cleaningpowderswhichmayscratchor marsurface.
Shelves | o SoapandWater | Shelvescanbe cleanedbyhandusingsoapandwater.Rinsethoroughlyto |
| ~ | removeanysoapaftercleaning. |
| ● PlasticScouringPad |
SurfaceBurner | ● SoapandWater | Liftout whencool. Soak5 to 10minutesif desiredin warmsolutionof | e |
Grates | dishwasherdetergent.Scourwithmaterialsmentionedhereto removeburned- |
| |
| on foodparticles. |
| |
@SoapandWater | Cleanas describedbelowor indishwasherWipedrippansaftereachcooking. |
| |
DripPans | e | so unnoticedspatterwillnot “burnon” nexttimeyoucook. Toremove“burned- |
| ~ | on” spatters,use anyor all cleaningmaterialsmentioned.Rublightly with |
| scouringpadto preventscratchingofthe surface. |
| |
SurfaceBurners | e Solutionfor Cleaning | Wipeoffburnerheads.If heavyspilloveroccurs,removeburnersfromrange |
| InsideofCoffeeMakers | (seepage19)andsoakthem for20 to 30 minutesin solutionof hot waterand |
| e SoapandWater | productforcleaninginsideofcoffeemakers,suchas |
| ~MildAbrasiveCleanser | not rinseoffcompletely,scrubburnerswithsoapandwateror a mildabrasive |
| ~DampCloth | cleanseranda dampcloth. Dry burnersin a warmovenfor 30minutesbefore |
| returningthemto the range. |
*Spillageofmarinades,fruitjuices, andbastingmaterialscontainingacidsmaycausediscoloration,soshouldbe wipedupimmediately(blottedup
warmenoughto breakif touchedwithmoistcloth.Whencleaning,avoidwarmlamp.