Theshce burnemonthese rangeshavestandingpilotshat mustbelitiniti~y. T~ht them:
1.W surestice burnercontrol bobs arein the OFF position.
2.Removethe gratesandlifi the cuoktopup ($eepage 16).
3.Locatethe twopilotportsand lighteachof themwith a match.
4.Wer *e cooktop.Yoursufice burnersare nowreadyfor use.
Stice burne~son theserangesare lightedbyelectricignition,ending the needfor standingpilotswith constantlyburningflames.
a pwer ou~e, youcan | |
lightthepflotlessignitionsufice |
burnerson~ur rangewitha match. Holdalighted matchto the burner, hen turn the knobto the L~E
pition. | U* ~ | a*n wkn |
W* | b tm mmer. |
S@ce burnersin u= whenan electrid powerMure tiurs w~ continuetooperaknotiy.
Theknobsthatturn thesufice burnerson and off are locatedon thelowercontrolpanelin frontof the burners.
Thetwoon the leftcontrolthe left frontandleftrear burners.The two on tie rightcontrolthe rightfront and rightrear burners.
Pushthe controlknobin andturn it to LITE. Onelectri~ignitionmodels, youwillheara litie clickingnoise— thesoundoftheelectricspark ignitingtheburner.
Wr theburnerignites,turnthe knobto adjustthe flamesize.
~Do notoperatea burnerfbr extendedperiodsoftimewithout
havingcoo- on thegrate.The fish on thegratemaychipwithout mkware to absorbtheheat.
~Checkto be sm theburneryou turnedon is the oneyouwantto use.
@Be surethe burnersandgratesare coolbeforeyouplaceyourhand, a pot holder,cleaningclothsor otier materialson them.
Howb Seld Me Sh
The flamesizeon a gasburner |
shouldmatchthecookwareyou |
are using. | * |
? |
NEVERLET THEFLAME EXTENDUP THE SIDESOF THE COO~ARE. Anyflame largerthanthe bottomof the cookwareis wastedand only servesto heatthehandles.
men using aluminm or
men boiling,usethis same
men fryingor warmingfinds in staidess steel,cast ironor enamelwa~e,keepthe flamedown
men fryingin glassor ceramic cookware,lowerthe flameeven more.