Pins - 350°C maximum
Above this figure the plating on the pins may lose adhesion and the contact will deteriorate. Such deterioration may form local hot spots which rapidly worsen and may result in arcing and irreparable damage to both lamp and holder. Should signs of this be evident on removal of a failed lamp, it is important that a good contact is restored by replacing the lampholder before the next lamp is fitted, otherwise the new lamp will rapidly fail in a similar manner.
N.B. For sealed beam lamps - to ensure that the above conditions are met, it is important that the lamp does not operate above 400°C even in an enclosed fitting.
Fusing of Discharge Studio and Theatre Lamps
A quick acting high breaking capacity fuse must be connected in the supply line in all applications. Suitable types are given in BS88 (IEC 269), IEC 127 or IEC 241. See pages 40 & 41 for suitable fuse ratings.