Rated Average Life
Average life ratings of Projection Lamps are based on closely controlled laboratory tests of lamps, at their rated voltage, over a long period of production time. Rated Average Life is not necessarily the same as service life; mechanical shock and vibration, voltage fluctuation, temperature and other environmental factors may result in shorter service life. As with any average value, some individual lamps may operate longer, and some may operate shorter, than their Rated Average Life. (Supply voltage variation can significantly affect lamp life; see comments under Lamp Life Ratings, page 8).
‘T’ Class Lamps for Theatre Spotlight Fittings
With this group of lamps GE are continuing their policy of developing quartz halogen lamps.These lamps operate at a lower colour temperature than the CP range. An average life of a remarkable 750 hours is achieved for most of the GE range. Similar cost savings to those offered by quartz halogen CP lamps are now presented by the quartz halogen ‘T’ range.