

IcemaKngwill continueuntilthe arm sensesa sufficient

accumulationof ice cubes in the :#%@$,

storagebin and halts the operation %y- temporarily.For maximumice

storage. levelthe stored cubes with ~our~and occasionally.Be sure nothinginterfereswith the swingof the feeler arm.

The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of eight and it is normal for severalcubes to bejoined together.

Once your hmnaker is in

OpBOatiOII, throw

batches ofke cubes. This will flush awayany impurities in the water line. Do the same thing after

;~aca~jons or extended


ice isn’tused.



Under certain rare circumstances, ice cubes may be discolored,usuallyappearing with a green-bluish hue. The causeofthisunusualdiscoloration is apparentlyduetoa combination of factors, such as certain characteristics of local waters, household plumbing and the accumulation of copper salts in an inactive water supply line which feeds the icemaker. Continued consumption of such discolored ice cubes may be injurious to health. If such discoloration is observed, discard the ice cubes and contact your GE Factory Service Center or an authorized Customer Care” servicer.

N.ioveieemaker feeler arm to

ORE’(Up) position when:

@home wakr supply is to be off for

several hours

Qice storage bin is to be removed IL)I-aperiod of time

o going ~lw~y OI_Ivacation, at which

[i you should also turn off’the

IAVCin the water supply line to ~~jt~rr~frigcl.~ltor

If ice is used








..----j cLIbcswili become cloudy and task



“ S[:IICand wi11shrilk. Ihpty

.-%s[t}ra:gebiil period icalIy and w’ashit

( L i11k(.!’vv:?1“[11\vatcl”. \..--,’-

If this i yam f i

you’llhear occasionalsoundsthat maybe unfamiliar.They are normal icernakingsoundsand are not cause for concern.


Ice trays are designed to release ice cubes easily. Hold tray upside- down over a container and twist both ends to release cubes.


For only one or two ice cubes, leavethe tray right-side up, twist both ends slightly and remove desired number of cubes.

Washice trays and storage bin in lukewarm water only. Do not put them in an automatic dishwasher.

l’VVo’-Position Shelf in E’l%WZer (onmodelsso equipped)

The shelfin the freezercompartment can be relocated for extra storage flexibility.

To relocate the sh;lf, lift slightly and move it sidewaysto free the ends of the shelf from the holes in the walls. Then tilt the shelf and take it out. To reinstall the shelf, first insert oile end and then the other into the second set of holes.



a e cost)

AGE automaticicernakerwill replace the ice you use. . .

automatically.It can keep you suppliedwith a binful of cubes— ice for everything,everybody— without fuss or muss.

If your refrigeratordid not come already equippedwith an automatic icemaker,you may add one— contactyour local GE dealer; speci~ UK-KIT-4or IM-I. A water supply kit containingcopper tubing, shut-offvalve,fittingsand instructionsneeded to connect the icemaker to your cold water line is also availableat extra cost.

meperfect to


a w mt$%accessory

Yourice cubes can only be as fresh-tastingas the water that produces them. That’swhy it’sa good idea to purify your water with a water filter.

Its activatedcharcoal removesmusty, stale odors and unpleasant medicinal, metallic tastes. A porous fiber cartridge catches dirt, rust particles, sand and silt while specialcrystals reduce deposits of hard scale.

The water filter is an option at extra cost and is availablefrom your GE dealer. Specify WIW7X0214.It has completeinstallationinstructions and installs in minutes on 1/4”OD copper water line.

Page 11
Image 11
GE TBX19, TBX17, TBXW19 manual Kit, YourkemdKw, Mt$%accessory, Once your hmnaker is, ORE’Up position when