Safety Rules

PRIMEPACT 50 Recreational Vehicle Generator

DANGER: For fire safety, installation of a generator into a recreational vehicle must comply

! strictly with article 551, NFPA 70; ANSI C1-1975; AND, ANSI A119.2-1975/NFPA 501C “Standard !

for Recreational Vehicles” (Part 3, “Installation of Electrical Systems”). In addition, installation must comply with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.


These Installation Instructions have been published by Generac to aid in the installation of the products described in this manual. Generac assumes that installation personnel are familiar with the proce- dures for installing such products, or similar prod- ucts that Generac manufactures. Generac also assumes that personnel have been trained in the rec- ommended installation procedures for these prod- ucts and that such training includes (a) use of com- mon hand tools, (b) use of special Generac tools, and

(c)use of any tools and/or equipment from other sup- pliers.

Generac cannot possibly know of and advise the recreational vehicle trade of all conceivable methods, procedures or techniques by which to perform an installation. Nor can Generac anticipate every possi- ble hazard that might result from each installation method, procedure or technique. Generac has not undertaken any such wide evaluation. Therefore, people who use a method, procedure or technique that Generac does not specifically recommend must first completely satisfy themselves that their safety, the safety of the vehicle's occupants and the product's safety is not endangered by the method, procedure or technique selected.

Information, illustrations, specifications, etc., con- tained in these Installation Instructions are based on the latest information available at the time of publi- cation. Every effort has been expended to be sure that such data is both accurate and current. However, the manufacturer reserves the right to change, alter or otherwise improve this product at any time without prior notice.


Despite the safe design of this generator,

!operating this equipment imprudently, neglecting its maintenance or being careless can cause possible injury or death. Permit only responsible and capable persons to operate or maintain this equipment.

Potentially lethal voltages are generated by these machines. Ensure all steps are taken to render the machine safe before attempting to work on the generator.

Parts of the generator are rotating and/or hot

!during operation. Exercise care near running generators.


For safety reasons, Generac recommends that the installation, initial start-up and mainte- nance of this equipment is carried out by a Generac Authorized Service Dealer.

The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monox- ide, which can be DEADLY. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. This exhaust sys- tem must be installed properly, in strict compli- ance with applicable codes and standards. Following installation, you must do nothing that might render the system unsafe or in noncompli- ance with such codes and standards. The genera- tor compartment must be completely vapor sealed from the vehicle interior. There must be no possi- bility of exhaust fumes entering the vehicle interi- or. Never operate this equipment with a leaking or defective exhaust system.

Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and other moving or hot parts. Never remove any drive belt or fan guard while the unit is operating.

Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and venti- lating air is critical to correct generator operation and is required to expel toxic fumes and fuel vapors from the generator compartment. Without sufficient cooling airflow, the engine/generator quickly overheats, which causes serious damage to the generator. Do not alter the installation or per- mit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect safe operation of the generator.

When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. Never work on the equipment when you are physically or mentally fatigued.

Before performing any maintenance on the genera- tor, disconnect its battery cables to prevent acci- dental start up. Disconnect the cable from the bat- tery post indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last.

Never use the generator or any of its parts as a step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dangerous operating con- ditions from leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage, oil leakage, etc.

Never insert any tool or other object through open- ings in the generator interior, even if the unit is not running. You might seriously injure yourself or damage the equipment.

18 Generac® Power Systems, Inc.

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Generac 02010-2, 04164-2 owner manual General Hazards