NT 250 Technical and Maintenance Manual | NicomUsa Inc |
Once the program is running, from the main screen it is necessary to click the POWER ON button; the screen will light up and a message" COMMUNICATION IN PROGRESS" will appear. After few seconds, on the left side of the screen, the operating frequency will appear together with all the other parameters. If not, check the Communication port setting
To change it, click the File menu and then select "set Port".
The other parameters shown on the screen are the following:
1. Temperature | in Celsius ( remember that Farheneit is Celsius x 1.8 + 20) |
2. Lock Indicator | showing that PLL circuit of the unit is locked |
3. On the Air | showing that the unit is transmitting |
4. RF Forward | giving the amount of Watts radiated |
5. RF Reflected | giving the amount of reflected power |
On the right side of the screen there are four buttons that allow to modify the parameters:
a. Send Button | to be used after a change of frequency is made |
b. Set Frequency | allows the change of frequency by clicking the new frequency on |
| the keyboard on the left side of the screen |
c. Disconnect | allows to disconnect the system |
d. RF On | turns up and down the power |
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