BIOS Setup
4Baud Rate
Enable the specified of C . R Port Baud Rate.
8300 | Enable the specific baud rate at 300. |
81200 | Enable the specific baud rate at 1200. |
89600 | Enable the specific baud rate at 9600. |
819.2K | Enable the specific baud rate at 19.2K. (Default ) |
838.4K | Enable the specific baud rate at 38.4K. |
857.6K | Enable the specific baud rate at 57.6K. |
8115.2K | Enable the specific baud rate at 115.2K. |
4Console Type
Enable the specified Cosole Type.
4Flow Control
Enable the function of flow control.
8Options: CTS/RTS (Default), None, XON, XOFF
4Console Redirection
Identifies whether the console is connected directly to the system or a modem is functioned to connect.
8Direct | Identifies the console is connected directly to the system. (Default) |
8Via Modem | Identifies the console is connected via the modem. |