56 312359J
Optional User-Settable Spray Limits
Temperature exceeded alarm
Spray Fluid temperature exceeded
high or low alarm limits for more
than four minutes.
If fluid temperature is too low,
return to circulation mode to
increase fluid temperature.
Adjust heater set point if
needed. See Heat Fluid, page
If fluid temperature is too high,
lower heater set point, and
return circulation mode to cool.
See Heat Fluid, page 31.
Adjust temperature target set-
point. See Heat Fluid, page 31.
Pressure exceeded advisory
Spray Pressure exceeded high or low
advisory limits for more than 15
Same as P5A or P5B above.
Temperature exceeded advi-
sory limits.
Spray Fluid temperature exceeded
high or low limits for more than
four minutes.
Same as T5A or T5B above.
*N4D Pot life timer expired. Mixed
fluid will cure in hoses, mixer,
and gun.
Spray Have not sprayed enough vol-
ume to keep fresh mixed fluid in
the integration hose, mixer,
whip hose, and spray gun.
Spray fluid, or flush. Resets
when you leave spray mode.
See Spray, page 32, or Flush
Mixed Material, page 36.
Code Alarm Problem When Active Cause Solution