Test￿ Resistor￿ Stud￿ Resistance




Insert￿ a￿ conductive￿ rod￿ ￿FF￿￿ into￿ the￿ gun￿ barrel￿A ￿re/Megohmmeter




Conductive￿ Rod


moved￿ for￿ the￿ power￿ supply￿ test￿￿ and￿ against￿ the￿ metal


contact￿ ￿GG￿￿ in￿ the￿ front￿ of￿ the￿ barrel￿￿ See￿ Fig￿9￿


Metal￿ Contact





￿8 Gun￿ Barrel

Measure￿ the￿ resistance￿ between￿ the￿ conductive￿ rod

￿FF￿￿ and￿ the￿ gun￿ electrode￿ ￿￿2￿￿￿ The￿ resistance￿ should be￿ 2￿￿3￿￿ megohms￿￿ If￿ the￿ resistance￿ is￿ correct￿￿ refer￿ to the￿Electrical￿ Troubleshooting￿ Chart￿ for￿ other￿ possi/

ble￿ causes￿ of￿ poor￿ performance￿￿ or￿ contact￿ the￿ nearest authorized￿ service￿ agency￿

If￿ the￿ resistance￿ is￿ outside￿ the￿ specified￿ range￿￿ remove the￿ electrode￿ ￿￿2￿￿￿ SeElectrode￿ Replacement￿￿ Meas/

ure￿ the￿ resistance￿ between￿ the￿ conductive￿ rod￿ ￿FF￿￿ and the￿ resistor￿ in￿ the￿ inside￿ diameter￿ of￿ resistor￿ stud￿ ￿￿6￿￿

The￿ resistance￿ should￿ be￿ 2￿￿3￿￿ megohms￿￿ If￿ the￿ resis/

tance￿ is￿ correct￿￿ the￿ electrode￿ wire￿ is￿ defective￿ and￿ must







be￿ replaced￿￿ SeeElectrode￿ ￿ Replacement￿￿ If￿ the￿ resis/






tance￿ is￿ outside￿ the￿ specified￿ range￿￿ the￿ resistor￿ is￿ de/




fective￿ and￿ the￿ resistor￿ stud￿ ￿￿6￿￿ must￿ be￿ replaced￿￿ See




Resistor￿ Stud￿ Replacement￿





If￿ you￿ still￿ have￿ problems￿￿ refer￿ toElectricalhe￿








Troubleshooting￿ Chart￿ for￿ other￿ possible￿ causes￿ of




poor￿ performance￿￿ or￿ contact￿ the￿ nearest￿ authorized




service￿ agency￿







Fig￿ 9




307-638 17

Page 17
Image 17
Graco Inc PRO4000, 307-638, 218-026 manual Test Resistor Stud Resistance