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Warni ngs

Warnin g

Improper grounding, setup, or usage of the system can cause electric shock.
Turn off and disconnect power at main switch before disconnecting any cables and before servicing
All electrical wiring must be done by a qualified electrician and comply with all local codes and regu-
Connect only to grounded power source.
High pressure fluid from gun, hose leaks, or ruptured components will pierce skin. This may look like just
a cut, but it is a serious injury that can result in amputation. Get immediate surgical treatment.
Do not point gun at anyone or at any part of the body.
Do not put your hand over the spray tip.
Do not stop or deflect leaks with your hand, body, glove, or rag.
Engage trigger lock when not spraying.
Follow Pressure Relief Procedure on page 5 if the nozzle clogs and before cleaning, checking or
servicing equipment.


Toxic fluids or fumes can cause serious injury or death if splashed in the eyes or on the skin, inhaled, or
Read MSDS’s to know the specific hazards of the fluids you are using.
Store hazardous fluid in approved containers and dispose of it according to applicable guidelines.
Equipment misuse can cause death or serious injury.
Do not exceed maximum working pressure or temperature rating of lowest rated system component.
See Technical Data in all equipment manuals.
Use fluids and solvents that are compatible with equipment wetted parts. See Technica l Data in all
equipment manuals. Read fluid and solvent manufacturers warnings.
Check equipment daily. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts immediately.
Do not alter or modify equipment.
For professional use only.
Use equipment only for its intended purpose. Call your Graco distributor for information.
Route hoses away from traffic areas, sharp edges, moving parts and hot surfaces.
Do not use hoses to pull equipment.