1 Bend and kink new | DOTS |
pump hose from kit in |
the middle as shown, |
making sure dots on |
hose fittings face each |
other. |
2Insert hose ends through holes in inner hose bracket, keeping dots on fittings facing each other and kinked portion of hose horizon- tal to the underside of bracket.
alignment holes
3 Slide hose ends into outer hose bracket, making sure dots on fit- tings face each other and alignment holes are together.
•Slide into long slot first.
RotoFlex™ HD Pump
4Slide plates together, inserting inner plate in outer plate, matching alignment holes.
5Replace bracket assembly in housing making sure the mounting screw hole, located in the top cen- ter of the inner plate, faces up.
6Slide pump hose around rollers. Make sure the rollers are horizontally parallel to each other.
7Slide feet on the bot- tom of hose bracket, into the slot on the bot- tom of sprayer.
8 Replace knob. Hand tighten.
9 Reattach hose extension.
10 Replace front cover and hopper. See Removing
and Replacing Hopper, Front and Back Cover, page 9.
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