Fire, Explosion, and Electric Shock Hazard

Improper grounding, poor air ventilation, open flames, or sparks can cause a hazardous condi- tion and result in a fire, explosion, or electric shock.

Electrostatic equipment must be used only by trained, qualified personnel who under- stand the requirements in this manual.

Ground all equipment, personnel, and con- ductive objects in the spray area. See Grounding, page 15.

Provide fresh air ventilation to avoid buildup of flammable or toxic vapors when spraying, flushing, or cleaning the gun. Interlock the gun air supply to prevent operation unless ventilating fans are on.

Do not flush with the gun electrostatics on. Do not turn on the gun electrostatics until all solvent is removed from the system.

If there is any static sparking while using the equipment, stop spraying immediately. Identify and correct the problem.

Eliminate all ignition sources such as pilot lights, cigarettes, and static arcs from plastic drop cloths. Do not plug in or unplug power cords or turn lights on or off in spray area.

Check gun resistance daily (see repair manual).

Use cleaning solvents with the highest possi- ble flash point, preferably above ambient temperature.

Use only non-sparking tools.



接地不當、空氣流通不暢、明火、以及電火花都 會導致危險的情形,引起火災、爆炸或電擊。

只有經過培訓而且理解本手冊所列要求的合 格人員才能使用靜電設備。

將噴塗區內的所有設備、人員和導電物體接 地。參見第 15 頁的接地

在噴塗、沖洗或清洗噴槍時應確保有新鮮空 氣流通,以避免易燃或有毒蒸氣聚積。除非 接通排風扇,否則應鎖住噴槍供氣以防止其 運行。

不要在噴槍靜電接通時進行沖洗。除非從系 統中清除了所有的溶劑,否則不要接通噴槍 靜電。

如果在設備的使用過程中出現任何靜電火花 立刻停止噴塗。找出並糾正該問題。


遮蔽布的靜電火花。不要在噴塗區域插拔電 源插頭及開關電燈。


使用閃點盡可能最高的清洗溶劑,最好是在 環境溫度以上。



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Graco Inc 3Z9296 manual Fire, Explosion, and Electric Shock Hazard, 火災、爆炸和電擊危險