| Automatic |
| Choose Yes to enable automatic upgrade and provisioning. |
| Upgrade |
| In “Check for new firmware every” field, enter the number of days to enable |
| BudgeTone 200 to check the server for firmware upgrade or configuration in |
| the defined period of days. |
| When set to No, BudgeTone 200 will only do upgrade once at boot up. |
| “Always check for New Firmware” |
| “Check New Firmware only when F/W pre/suffix changes” |
| Authenticate |
| if set to Yes, cfg file would be authenticated before acceptance. This |
| Conf File |
| mechanism is useful for the protection of configuration on the device from |
| unauthorized change. |
| DTMF |
| This parameter sets the payload type for DTMF using RFC2833. |
| Payload Type |
| Syslog Server |
| The IP address or URL of System log server. This feature is especially useful |
| for ITSP (Internet Telephone Service Provider) |
| Syslog Level |
| Select the ATA to report the log level. Default is NONE. The level is one of |
| DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR. Syslog messages are sent based on |
| the following events: |
| • product model/version on boot up (INFO level) |
| • NAT related info (INFO level) |
| • sent or received SIP message (DEBUG level) |
| • SIP message summary (INFO level) |
| • inbound and outbound calls (INFO level) |
| • registration status change (INFO level) |
| • negotiated codec (INFO level) |
| • Ethernet link up (INFO level) |
| • SLIC chip exception (WARNING and ERROR levels) |
| • memory exception (ERROR level) |
| The Syslog uses USER facility. In addition to standard Syslog payload, it |
| contains the following components: |
| GS_LOG: [device MAC address][error code] error message |
| Here is an example: May 19 02:40:38 GS_LOG: |
| [00:0b:82:00:a1:be][000] Ethernet link is up |
| NTP server |
| URI or IP address of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, which will be |
| used by the phone to synchronize the date and time. |