4.If anything appears abnormal, immediately turn off the saw and fix the problem. If a problem exists that is beyond the scope of this manual, call our service department.
5.If the saw is behaving normally, turn it off and prepare to make a cut according to the instructions outlined in the following sec- tions.
Blade Selection
Choosing the correct blade for the job is essential for the safe and efficient use of your table saw. Ignoring this important step could result in dam- age to the saw and serious injury to the operator. Documented below are the most common saw blades and their uses.
1.Rip Blade: Used for cutting with the grain. Typically, 14" rip blades have between
Figure 31.
Figure 31. Ripping blade.
Figure 32. Cross-cutting blade.
3.Combination Blade: Used for cutting with and across the grain. A compromise between a rip blade and a cross-cut blade, a 14" combination blade will typically have between 60-70 teeth, an alternate top bevel and flat or alternate top bevel and raker tooth profile. The teeth are arranged in groups of five. The gullets are small and shallow within the groups of five teeth, simi- lar to a cross-cut blade; then large and deep between the groups, like a ripping blade. See Figure 33.
Figure 33. Combination blade.
G7209/10 14'' Table Saw |