Model t10446 heavy-duty hammer drill-2-
disconnecting poWer supply.
always disconnect tool from power supply
before s ervicing, adjusting, or changi ng
cutting tools (bits, blades, cutters, etc.).
Make sure switch is in oFF positio n
before reconnecting to avoid an u nex-
pected or unintentional st art.
approved operation. Untrai ned
operators can be seriou sly hurt by tools.
only allow trained or properly s upervised
people to use tool. When tool is not being
used, disconnect power, remove switch
keys, or lock-out tool to prevent un au-
thorized use—especi ally around children.
Make workshop kid proof!
never stand on tool. serious injury
or accidental contact wi th cutting tool
may occur if too l is tipped. to ol may be
only use as intended. only use tool
for its intended purpose. never modify or
alter tool for a purpose not intended by the
manufacturer or serious injur y may result!
use recommend ed accessorie s.
Consult this owner’s manual or th e manu-
facturer for rec ommended acces sories.
Using improper accessories wil l increase
the risk of serious injury.
children & bystanders. Keep chil-
dren and bystanders a safe distance away
from work area. stop using tool i f children
or bystanders become a d istraction.
remove adJusting tools. never
leave ad justment tools, chuck keys,
wrenches, etc. in or on tool—espec ially
near moving par ts. Verify removal before
securing WorKpiece. When
required, use clamps or vises to sec ure
workpiece. a secur ed workpiece p rotects
hands and f rees both of them to operate
the tool.
feed direction. Unless otherwise
noted, feed work against the rotation of
blades or c utters. Feeding in the same
direction of rot ation m ay pull your hand
into the cut.
forcing tools. do not force tool. it
will do the job safer and better at the rate
for which it was designe d.
guards & covers. guards an d cov-
ers can pr otect you from accident al con-
tact with moving parts or fl ying debris.
Make sure they are properly inst alled,
undamaged, and working cor rectly before
using tool.
dangerous environme nts. do not
use tools in wet or rainy locations, clut-
tered areas, ar ound flammables , or in
poorly-lit areas. Keep work area c lean,
dry, and well-lig hted to minim ize ris k of
stable tool. Unexpecte d moveme nt
during operations greatly in creases the
risk of injur y an d lo ss of cont rol. Verif y
tools are stable/secure and mobile bases
(if used) are locked before starting.
aWKWard positions. Keep proper
footing and balanc e at all tim es when
operating tool. do not overreach! avoid
awkward hand positions that make
workpiece control difficult or increase the
risk of accidental injur y.
unattended operation. n ever
leave tool running while unattended. turn
tool off and ensur e all moving par ts com-
pletely stop before walking away.
maintain With care. Follow all
maintenance i nstructions and lubrication
schedules to keep tool in good working
condition. an improperly maintained tool
may increase the risk of s erious injury.
checK damaged parts . regularly
inspect tool for damaged par ts, loose
bolts, mis-a djusted or mis-alig ned par ts,
binding, or any other conditi ons that may
affect safe operat ion. always repair or
replace damaged or mis-adjuste d parts
before operating tool.
eXperiencing difficulties. if at
any time you are exp eriencing diffic ul-
ties performing the intended operation,
stop using the tool! Conta ct our technical
support department at (570) 546-9663.