Control a VCR (or a Second VCR)
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CONTROL A VCR (OR A SECOND VCR)Onlythe buttons we tell you about here controla
VCR. Some of the buttons we tell you about here
mayno t controlyour VCR. Pleasesee your VCR
user’smanual for info aboutthe TV’s features.
Youcan set up the remoteto control a second VCR
in Auxmode, the same way it controls the firstVCR
in TVmode. Please see Set Up the RemoteControl
onpage 4.
Pleaseremember, the outsidefront cover of this Guide
showsyou the whole remote control.
You must first set up the remote to control the VCR.
Pleasesee Set Up the Remote Control on page 4.
Then,you must press the VCR mode button to set the
remote to VCR mode. The VCR m odebutton flashes once
toshow you’ve set the remote to VCR mode. Makesure
youkeeptheremoteinVCRmode to use thebuttons
wetell you about here.
You must put the remote inVCR modetosetitup
tocontrol a DVD player. Later,you must put
theremoteinVCR modeto use it to control
aDVD player.
Usethis button to switch the VCR between its TV mode
andits VCR mode (please see your VCR user’smanual
Pressthe blank Power button to turn the VCR on
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