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Ifyour equipment is out ofwarranty and can be repaired your billing accountor
creditcard will be charged the standardrepair fee for the replacement.
Ifdamage t o the defective equipment is found, whic h EchoStar in its sole
discretion determin es has voided the w arranty, or makes the eq uipment
unrepairable,your billingaccount or credit card will be charged themarket
priceof the replacement.
1.Plea se review this User Guide.
2.Please see Trouble-Shoot theRemote on page27.
3.Call the Customer ServiceCenter at 1-800-333-DISH (3474).
Pleasehave the date of purchase and yourcustomer account
4.A Representative will help you.
5.If the Rep finds you should returnthe remote control, you’ll get
atelephone number to call for a ReturnA uthorization(RA)
number. Beforeshippingany equipment to us, youmust get
aReturn Authorization number.
6.You must package returnedequipment the right way. Follow the
instructionsthe Rep gives you.
7.Write the RA number inl arge,clearly visible characterson the
outsideof the shipping box used toreturn the equipment.
Toavoid confusion and misunderstandings,we will return
shipmentswithout an RA number clearlyvisible on the outside
of the box to you at your cost.
8.We will:
•Checkthe remote control, includingwhether it is covered
underthe warranty.
•Replaceany remote we find is defectivewith a new or
refurbishedremote,if the defective remote is covered under
thewarranty. Wewill ship the replacementremote at our
•Ifa defective remote is not coveredunder the warranty,
wewill tell you. Wemay assess you a flat rate charge fora
replacementremote, includingshipping and insurance.
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