•Whenyou watch a program, press this buttonto briefly
displaythe Program Banner.
•Whenyou use a menu, press this button to cancel
andgo back to watch a program.
CANCEL BUTTONPressthis button to cancel and go backto the previous
menuor to watch a program.
Usethese buttons to record or playback a program.
•Pressthe PVR buttontoopentheDishPVR
RecordedEvents menu.
•Pressthe Skip Back button to skip back about ten
secondsin a program. Pressthis button again to skip
back again.
•Pressthe Skip Ahead button to skip ahead about
30seconds in a program. Pressthis button again
toskip ahead again.
•Pressthe Back button to move back through a
programfour times as fast as normalplay. Pressthis
buttontwice to move back at 15 times, three times
tomove back at 60 times,and four times to move back
at300 times as fast as normal play.
•Pressthe Pause button to pause a program.
Pressthis button again to go back to watch
•Pressthe FWD (“forward”) button tomove ahead
througha program four times as fast asnormal play.
Pressthis button twice to move aheadat 15 times,
threetimes to move aheadat 60 times, and four times
tomove ahead at 300 times as fast as normal play.
•Pressthe Sto p buttonto stop recording a program.
(formore, please see the nextpage)