8.Press the blank Powerbutton to turn the device
9.Try some other buttonsto make sure they work.
Sometimes, the blank Power button works
whenother buttons don’t.
Note: Themode button for the devicestarts to flash if you’ve scanned
allthe codes for that device.
Note: Ifyou just did the Scan for DeviceCodes,youdon’t
needto do this.
1.Use the device’sbuttons or its remote control to turn iton.
2.Find the brand name of the devicein the tables on page 23.
If the brand isn’t listed, pl ease see Scan for DeviceCodes
onpage 4.
3.Press and hold the mode button for thedevice you want
theremote to control, for about threeseconds. When all
theother mode buttons light up, let go of themode button.
Forexample, hold t he TV mode button for a TV.
4.Only forthe Aux mode, use a number button to enter0
fora second TV, or 1 fora second VCR, or 2 for a tuner
or amplifier.
For any other mode, skip to step 5.
5.Use the number buttons to entera device code
from the table.
6.Press the Pound (#) button. If the code works,
the mode button flashes thre e times.
7.Press the blank Powerbutton to test if the code
worksfor the device. If it does, thedevice
should turn off.
8.Turn the device backon and try some other
buttonsto make sure they work. Sometimes,
theblank Power button wo rks when other
buttonsdon’t. If the code works for otherbuttons, stop here.
9.Ifthecodeyouentereddoesn’twork,d o steps 3
through8 again with anot her code from the tables.
text_dishpvr.fmPage 5 Thursday,July 12, 2001 10:02 AM