36 PNEG-1521 Commercial Direct Gear Drive Bin Sweep Auger
14. BEFORE FILLING THE BINA. Read the Instructional Decal located on the Upper Bin Flange to learn how to control the Direct Gear
Drive Power Sweep Well Gates.
B. Push the Centerwell and the Intermediate Well Control Rods towards the Bin to close Well Gates.
DO NOT enter a Grain Bin unless all power driven equipment has been
shut down and locked out.
NEVER enter the Bin while the sweep auger is in operation.
DO NOT enter the bin if the grain has bridged, or has flown abnormally
out of the bin. Consult Figures 14-A and 14-B for a visual. Suffocation can
occur if the grain suddenly breaks loose and buries the persons inside
the bin.
Fig. 14-A Bridged grain can easily break loose and bury
a person, suffocating them. DO NOT enter a
bin with bridged grain.
Fig. 14-B
Abnormal grain flow can easily fall and bury a
person, suffocating them. DO NOT enter a bin
with abnormal grain flow.
C. With the power shut off and locked out, enter the Bin and position the Sweep Auger along side of the
Intermediate Wells.
D. Where a Carrier Wheel Assembly is used, adjust the height so that the Sweep Arm Assembly is
close to the floor, but WILL NOT contact the floor, Intermediate Well Top Flanges, or floor screws.
E. Open the Centerwell Cover Plate, and set it aside. While observing the Clutch Components in the
Centerwell, pull the Clutch Control Pipe from the outside of the bin, until the two (2) Clutch Jaws are
fully engaged. Make a distinguishing mark on the Clutch Control Rod to designate the fully engaged
F. Next, push the Clutch Control Pipe toward the bin to disengage the two (2) Clutch Jaws. Verify that
the Clutch is fully disengaged in the Centerwell. Make a distinguishing mark on the Clutch Control
Rod to designate the fully disengaged position.
G. Tighten the Clutch Control Pipe Position Lock Out Bolt.
I. Reinstall the Centerwell Cover Plate.