41PNEG-1521 Commercial Direct Gear Drive Bin Sweep Auger
C. Check the Sweep Carrier Wheel Assembly. If necessary, adjust the height so that the Sweep Arm
Assembly is close to the floor, but will not contact the floor, Intermediate Well Top Flanges, or the
floor screws.
D. Exit the grain bin.
E. Make sure everyone is outside of the bin and clear of the equipment.
F. Start the Unload Auger with the Bin Sweep still engaged. Shortly, the swept pile will have been
Cleaned Area
Bin Wells
Bin Wall
Sweep Auger
18. FINAL CLEAN-OUTDO NOT enter a grain bin unless all power driven equipment has been shut
down and locked out.
A. After the Bin Sweep has made two passes removing most of the grain, it will be necessary to clean
the floor.
B. With all power disconnected and locked out, enter the grain bin. Sweep or scoop the remaining grain
from the outer area of the floor, and move it to a circular pile towards the center of the bin. See Figure
Cleaned Area
Bin Wells Remaining Grain
Bin Wall
Sweep Auger
FIG. 18-A FIG. 18-B
Remaining Grain