44 PNEG-1521 Commercial Direct Gear Drive Bin Sweep Auger
A. The U-Joint must be lubricated with SAE Multipurpose Grease every 10 operational hours, or after
each use.
B. The Upper and Lower Gearboxes in the Centerwell should be half-full with oil. They must be checked
and possibly filled with SAE 80W90 Gear Oil every 10 operational hours. Each Gearbox should be
filled up to the fill plug, approximately making them half-full overall. It is recommended to replace the oil
in the Gearboxes every season.
C. Use caution when repairing or replacing equipment parts.
D. Make sure ALL decals are legible and tightly attached to the equipment. If necessary , replace them
FREE OF CHARGE by contacting the dealer, warehouse, or manufacturer.
E. Mount controls for any electric motors at a safe distance from the machine and in a location
accessible in case of an emergency.
F. Make sure ALL electrical wiring is not damaged, and that it meets proper wiring codes.
G. Make sure ALL components are in good working condition before use.
Properly maintaining this equipment will help ensure it continues to work
as designed. Failure to properly maintain this equipment may result in
damage to the equipment and cause SERIOUS INJURY to the operator.
Failure to properly maintain this equipment may also be a misuse of the
equipment, and may void the warranty.