Adjust the controls as indicated by the Measurement Template. Each value shown in the table is represented by detents in the R.A.B.O.S. controls. Simply count the number of detents necessary, indicated by the results of your R.A.B.O.S. Test.
After performing these adjustments, you may skip forward to the “Final System Balance” section. It is recommended that you perform a second measurement to confirm that the settings are correct.
If you are going to retest the system after EQ adjustments, repeat the “Setting the Subwoofer Test Level” section on p. 11.
Retesting the system will go much faster if you use Tracks
Your first interpretation of the data and choice of settings may not be optimum. You can repeat the
When you are satisfied with the results, go to “Final System Balance.”
Final System Balance
Cue Track 51 of the R.A.B.O.S. Test CD. Press Play ›. Increase the system volume until the RSLM indicates
is indicated on the RSLM. Of course, you may
This concludes the R.A.B.O.S. process. It is recommended that you remove the battery from the RSLM. Store the Test CD, Width Selector, Adjustment Key and the RSLM together.
The satellite and subwoofer enclosures may be cleaned using a soft cloth to remove fingerprints or to wipe off dust.
The grilles may be gently vacuumed. Stains may be removed with an aerosol cleaner, following its instructions. Do not use any solvents on the grille.
All wiring connections should be inspected and cleaned or remade periodically. The frequency of maintenance depends on the metals involved in the connections, atmospheric conditions, and other factors, but once per year is the minimum.
If a problem occurs, make sure that all connections are properly made and clean. If a problem exists in one loudspeaker, reverse the connection wires to the left and right system. If the problem remains in the same speaker, then the fault is with the loud- speaker. If the problem appears in the opposite speaker, the cause is in another component or cable. In the event that your Modulus II loudspeaker system ever needs service, contact your local Infinity dealer or Infinity directly at 1.800.553.3332 or www.infinitysystems.com for a service center near you.