your mouse button in the TV
windowto see the Options
menu. Click Scheduler. To set up
an event for timed watching or
recording, click the Add button.
The items that need to be set for
each event are:
- Name: you can add a name
to the recording. If you do not
enter a name, the name will be
in the channel/date format.
- Channel:chose one of your
scanned channels.
- Start time: set to the desired
start time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute. Note: It
takes about 15 seconds to launch the WinTVand start recording.
- Duration: number of minutes in the recorded program.
- Recurrance:one time, daily, weekly. Note: If you set for Record Weekly,
you must also specify the Day of the Week for the recording.
- Date to Begin Program:today's date is the default. Change this if you want to
schedule on another date.
- Source selection:leave set
at WinTVto bring up the
WinTVat the requested time
and on the requested channel.
Once these are set, click OK. You
can add more recordings, clicking
OKafter each event is set.
When you are finished click
Close. The WinTVprogram does
not have to be running for the
Schedular to work. If WinTVis
not running, it takes about 15 sec-
onds to start WinTVand to start
the recording of TV.
page 10