most important TV control functions.
To bring up the Options Menu, click your right mouse buttononce in the TV
window .
To see the channel list, click on Find channel. You will see the list of channels
which have been scanned.
To show the Channel menu as part of the TV window, click the Channel list
always on icon at the top of the channel list.
To turn on Close captions, click on Show Captions.
To manually schedule a TV recording, or to see which programs have been
scheduled, click on Scheduler.
To turn on the Always on Top mode, click on Stay on Top.
Watch, Pause and Record TV
WinTV v7 is always recording video to your PC’s hard drive while TV is being dis-
played. In this way, you can immediately skip back and replay the TV program
you are watching.
Clicking on the Pause buttonwill cause the video to pause, while clicking the
Record buttonwill cause the current TV program to be recorded to hard disk.
page 6
Options menu
click your right mouse buttonto view
Playback menu
Channel list
TV Scheduler
Close captions
Always on top