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September 1, 2008
3. I smell smoke in the house during operation. What is causing it?
Diagnostic question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions
Do res start and burn well? No:
Chimney obstruction
Not enough kindling and/or fuel
to establish draft
Inadequate combustion air
Air controls not open
Competition with exhaust devices
Check & clean chimney if needed
Use adequate kindling & fuel
Open air controls
Open window
Check for need for balanced air
make-up (Outside Air)
Do not use exhaust fans during
Check for need for balanced air
make-up (Outside Air)
4. I don’t get enough/any heat. What can I do about it?
Diagnostic question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions
How much wood is used for re? Insufcient fuel Make larger res
How well seasoned is the wood? Condition of fuel Burn seasoned wood: (split, covered
on top minimum 6 months, preferably
a year)
Is blower operating properly? Snap disc not working
Is blower plugged in?
Setting to high on blower cooling
Replace snap disc
Plug in blower
Turn blower to lower setting
How are air controls set? Operational problems Follow manufacturer’s instructions
5. The wood burns too fast. What can I do?
Diagnostic question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions
What is the condition of the wood? Extremely dry wood Mix in less seasoned wood after re
How are air controls set? Operational problems Follow manufacturer’s instructions
6. The blower does not come on when insert reaches set temperate. What can I do?
Diagnostic question Possible Causes of Condition Solutions
Is blower operating properly? Snap disc not working Replace snap disc