•Use blood pressure monitor only for its intended use.
•Do not wrap the cuff around body parts other than your wrist.
•This unit is intended for use in measur- ing the blood pressure and pulse rate of adults. Do not use this device on infants or those who cannot express their own consent. This unit should not be operated by children.
Blood pressure measurements determined with this device are equivalent to those obtained by a trained observer using the cuff/stethoscope ausculatory method, with- in the limits prescribed by the American National Standard, Manual, electronic, or automated sphygmomanometers.
What is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery walls while blood flows through the arteries. The pressure measured when the heart contracts and sends blood out of the heart is systolic (highest) blood pressure. The pressure measured when the heart dilates with blood flowing back into the heart is called diastolic (lowest) blood pressure.
Why Measure Your
Blood Pressure?
Among today’s various health problems, those associated with high blood pressure are very common. High blood pressure dan- gerously correlates with cardiovascular dis- eases. Therefore, blood pressure monitoring is important for identifying those at risk.