Better Light 7 manual Appendix G, Error Messages, Camera reported error Not Ready

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Appendix G

Error Messages

(not to be confused with Macintosh OS error message numbers)

Camera Errors

“Camera reported error: Busy”

The camera is busy doing something that prevents the requested action. This message is usually encountered after exiting from a scan to the camera’s disk drive and subsequently attempting another scan, or attempting to access the camera’s disk drive (from the File Manager) before the scan in prog- ress is completed. If so, simply waiting until the scan in progress is complete should eliminate this message. This message may also occur if the camera firmware fails to complete a scan for some other reason, probably requiring a camera restart to fix.

“Camera reported error: Not Ready”

The camera is not ready to perform the requested action. This message may be encountered if the camera’s internal disk drive does not initialize properly during camera startup. Subsequent attempts to perform any operation requiring this disk drive will return a “not ready” error. The condition might be corrected by quitting the camera software, restarting the camera, and waiting until the camera is ready before launching the camera software.

“Camera reported error: No Room”

This error message is returned when the camera’s internal disk drive does not contain a single “available” space large enough to hold the desired scan. The camera will not split an image across mul- tiple smaller sections, which can lead to disk fragmentation. This error may be eliminated by deleting enough image files from the camera disk to create a single space large enough for the desired scan. Note that adjacent “available” spaces are immediately combined into a single larger space within the camera, but the File Manager list will continue to show these as separate spaces until the File Manager is exited and re-entered.

“Camera reported error: Conversion Error”

The camera controller returns this error when an incoming parameter value cannot be success- fully converted to a number, possibly due to a corrupted data transfer. This message should never be encountered in normal operation.


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Better Light 7 manual Appendix G, Error Messages, Camera reported error Not Ready, Camera reported error No Room