Quit ⌘Q
Closes the program.
Edit Menu
Cut ⌘X (Mac only)
Cut the selected text from the edit field to the Clipboard.
Copy ⌘C (Mac only)
Copy the selected text from the edit field to the Clipboard.
Paste ⌘V (Mac only)
Paste the Clipboard text into the selected edit field.
Clear (Mac only)
Delete the selected text from the edit field.
Select All ⌘A (Mac only)
Select all the text in an edit field.
Copy Curve (Mac only)
Copy a tone curve to the Clipboard.
Paste Curve (Mac only)
Paste the tone curve from the Clipboard to the ?
Image Size ⌘I
Selects the Size panel.
Color Balance ⌘B
Selects the Color panel.
Tone Curve ⌘G
Selects the Tone panel.
Preferences (under the ViewFinder menu on Mac OS X)
Opens the Preferences window. (See the Preferences section, page 75).