2. Air cleaner service
A dirty air cleaner will restrict air flow to the carburetor. To prevent car-
buretor malfunction, service the air cleaner regularly. Service more fre-
quently when operating the pump in extremely dusty areas.
mzm Never use gasoline or low flash point solvents for cleaning the
air cleaner element. A fire or explosion could result.
CAUTION: Never run the pump without the air cleaner. Rapid engine wear
will result.
1. Unscrew the wing nut, remove the air cleaner cover and remove the air
cleaner element.
2. Wash the air cleaner element in a solution of household detergent and
warm water, then rinse thoroughly, or wash in nonflammable or high
flashpoint solvent. Allow the element to dry thoroughly.
3. Soak the element in clean engine oil, and squeeze out the excess oil. The
engine will smoke during initial start-up if too much oil is left in the foam.
4. Reinstall the air cleaner element and the cover.
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