Using ActiveSync on the Workstation

Here, you are performing the same basic process as on the terminal, except that you are using the Explore utility (Windows Explorer) to copy and paste the shortcut.

1.Open ActiveSync > Explore and navigate to the program.

2.Right-click on the program and select Create Shortcut.

3.Select the shortcut, right-click, and select Cut.

4.Navigate to the Start Menu folder (Windows > Start Menu).

5.Right-click on an empty area and select Paste Shortcut.

6.On the terminal, tap the Start menu.

7.Verify that program appears.

System Menu

The System menu enables you to verify and sometimes alter system parameters. To access the System menu, go to Start > Settings > System. Tap the appropriate icon to open that system setting.



See Page









See About on page 7-8.






See Backlight on page 7-9.






See Certificates on page 7-10.






See Encryption on page 7-10.




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