Beeper Options and Button Functions

Changing the Beeper Tone

Beeper tones may be configured incrementally using the following bar code. The new tone will be heard followed by a short pause. Two more new tones will be heard signifying the new setting has been stored in memory. The silent (no beep) tone is also selectable.

Next Beep Tone

³9 9 9 9 7 5

Changing the Beeper Volume

Volume levels may be configured using the volume button or incrementally using the following bar code. The new volume will be heard followed by a short pause. Two more tones will be heard signifying the new setting has been saved in memory. The silent (no volume) tone is also selectable.

Next Volume

The Multi-Function Button

Figure 35. Changing the Beeper


Figure 36. Laser & Motor Off

Power Save Mode

Figure 37. Normal Operation

³ 9 9 9 9 7 4

Figure 34. The Multi-Function Button

Changing the Beeper Volume

A short (<3 second) depression and the beeper volume will change. The new volume will be heard. The silent (no beep) volume is also selectable.

Placing the Unit in Laser & Motor Off Power Save Mode

Long (>3 seconds) depression. The Laser and Motor Off Power Save Mode is the only power save mode that can be activated with the multi- function button*.

*This feature is configuration dependent. Refer to the MetroSelect Configuration Guide (PN 00-02407x) under Scanner Operation: Power Save Modes to enable this feature.

Waking the Unit from All Power Save Modes

The next button depression will awaken the scanner for normal operation.