Secondary Keys LED

The VMT keyboard is equipped with several secondary keys. These keys are identified by the superscripted text found on the keyboard keys. The secondary keys are accessible by using two (2) keystrokes: the 2nd key followed by the superscripted key.

Once the 2nd state is enabled (by pressing the 2nd key) the Secondary Mode LED is illuminated and the 2nd state is enabled until another key is pressed. The 2nd key is toggled on with a 2nd keypress and then immediately off with another 2nd keypress.

For example:

Press 2nd and F1 to turn CapsLock on and off.

Press 2nd and ↑ (up arrow) to initiate the PgUp command.

Press 2nd and Q to type the “!” key.

Press 2nd and BkSp to enter the Insert (Ins) mode.
